How to Develop a Good Blackjack Strategy

There are many things that affect the success of a blackjack strategy. Developing an effective strategy that will consistently generate wins will depend on the number of decks in use, as well as the casino's general blackjack rules.

Blackjack Strategy Basics

There are two very slight variations in basic blackjack rules, depending on the casino where you're playing. The dealer will either be required to stand or to hit when they have a total hand value of soft 17. This rule, along with the number of decks in use, plays a big role in determining the best strategy. The most favorable conditions for players are at blackjack tables that require the dealer to hit on soft 17 and that have a single deck in play.

Doubling with a Single Deck

Learning how to use more advanced blackjack strategies will increase your winnings dramatically. By using bonus codes you can practice and learn cool new strategies for free and return better than ever. There are more opportunities to double in a single deck game. You should always double on a hand value of 11. If your hand totals nine and the dealer's card is between two and six, you should double. A value of eight is a worthwhile chance to double as well when the dealer is holding a five or six.

Doubling with Multiple Decks

Most casinos use multiple decks at their blackjack tables. Usually there are eight decks in play at a typical table, and this will alter the best opportunities to double just a bit. You should still double when your hand totals 11, but not if the dealer is holding an ace. If the value of your hand is nine, double when the dealer's card is between three and six. In a multiple deck game, it's not recommended to double if your hand value is eight or below.

Understanding the many different blackjack strategies isn't easy, but it's a good idea to make these recommendations a habit anytime you sit down at the blackjack table.